Completely Motorbikes, Peel Street, Abergele, LL22 7AA
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The property is located in Abergele town centre in an established trade location. The property comprises a 9,623 sq.ft showroom unit with a substantial car park to the front elevation. The property is let to Completely Motoring Ltd for a term of 10 years from 31 May 2023. The lease is held on full repairing and insuring terms subject to a rent review to open RPI (without collar or cap) on expiry of the 5th year of the term. The commencing rent is £60,000 per annum (£5.10 per sq.ft). Offers sought in excess of £758,000 which reflects a net initial yield of 7.50%.
Atlas Real Estate has recently advised a private investor on the sale of a motorcycle showroom in Abergele, North Wales.
The property is let to Completely Motoring Limited on a 10 year lease with effect from 31st May 2023 at a current passing rental of £60,000 per annum. The lease benefits from open RPI increases at rent review on expiry of the 4th year of the term
The property was acquired for £760,000 which reflects a net initial yield of 7.49%
Atlas RE acted for the vendor and Fisher German acted for the purchaser.